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Hello! I don't know where to start but I'm just thinking to add one more content to my blog which is #LifeUpdate. I will share more about my personal stories as I feel like the older you get, the more experiences you have. I love to share about my stories, thoughts and experiences to all of you so I think this blog is the best platform. I feel so much better in writing than speaking in YouTube video, that's why it takes me a long time to create just one video lol.

Here, I tell you a bit about my current life now.

I'm so glad that I finally find my passion. I love my job as a creative director of my own clothing line Posh The Label. I'm not saying its easy to start up a fashion label. I thought it was easy to sell clothes, I believed I could do it alone. Then, when I started it, I was totally and completely wrong. However, no matter how big struggles I had, I just felt that I didn't want to quit. I will tell about my start up experience later in another post probably, because its too long to tell here. However, the situation was just getting better each day. I slowly understand what I have to "do" and "don't". I'm so happy to be able to do something that I love for my life. 

My days nowadays are filled up with bunch of meetings with vendors, clients and so on. I attend some events sometimes. Its so fun to meet a lot of inspiring people there, however some of them didn't even want to look at you. I was so inspired every time I see women who are independent at such a young age. I really respect their courages and spirits.

Besides my clothing line, I just made a commitment to be more consistent about my blog. I do have a passion in taking photos, creating content and sharing my stories. Therefore, I will try to update my blog more often *fingerscrossed*

Having these jobs give me a chance to meet some inspiring people that I thought I would never meet them before. I have so many exciting things coming up in May and June, I'm so nervous yet so excited to do all the opportunities that God has given to me. Just wish me luck for everything so I can tell you the things very soon!

Pamela Wirjadinata


Exciting about what's coming! <3

xo Vanessa | www.TheTrendique.com